01 Dec Tea A’tyre
Art in Parks – Pop up public art project
Context: I am often inspired by recyclable objects. I like to take objects that are often considered junk and ugly and turn them into something interesting, eye catching and create conversation. This project takes used tyres and creates embodied in freestanding objects displayed throughout the thoroughfare of our smaller townships. I am a resident of Calliope and every day drive through the township. I find our town really uninspiring especial to attracting tourist to our city Centre. I want to give the smaller communities a chance to engage in art.
Goals: Engage and introduce residence of Gladstone regional council and tourists to art made from recycled art.
Core Message: “United, we will still be here”. Being such a small community I would like to express our ability to unite within the community. As a result expressing it in and art form that will bring colour and interest to our city centres. Tea A’tyre brings about a place of conversation where total strangers will be engouraged to come and try the seats in hope of striking up a conversation of their neighbour.
Target Audience: Tourists, individuals and families
Project Concept: I wish to introduce 3 projects using the same resources to give my projects a greater significance to tourists.
Material: Recycled tyres, paint & found objects.
1. Tea A’tyre
Inspired by Billie Tea
Project Coordinator: Katrina Elliott
Start Date: 1 Dec 2016 End Date: 14 February 2016
Location: Bunting Park, Calliope
2. Tea A’tyre
Inspired by English Tea
Project Coordinator: Katrina Elliott
Start Date: 1 Dec 2016 End Date: 14 February 2016
Location: Dedekind Ave, Benaraby
3. Tea A’tyre
Inspired by Mad Hatters Tea party
Project Coordinator: Katrina Elliott
Start Date: 1 Dec 2016 End Date: 14 February 2016
Location: Dudge & Isabel Barram Park, Mt Larcom
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